Layout is important in a lot of aspects of business.
Advertisements live and die on their effectiveness. But in all advertising,
focal point is key. If the highlight of a still ad is in the wrong place, the
product may go unnoticed. With all of the money that went into that
advertisement, to fail is a huge waste. Even in video ads, the product has to
be placed perfectly. Today, we often incorporate minimal product placement. But
the product placement we do have must be perfect. The point of a Nike ad may
not be to show the new shoe, but rather to show the purpose of the shoe. Therefore,
seeing the shoe’s role in the training is vitally important.
Layout is also important in architecture. As the article
shows, angles and lines are an important part of building layout. But what it
fails to mention is the importance to the buyer. Some buyers like the
“everyday” feel of buildings with both vertical and horizontal line patterns.
Yet others like the angles and contours of modern architecture. So it is all
about knowing the market.
What patterns, contours, angles and shapes are your eyes
attracted to?