Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is sex?

Virillio discusses the world of virtual dating in the third section of Open Sky. But is a virtual sex life a sex life at all? Virillio would say no, yet for many this is a viable way of loving one another.

Sex is obviously a risqué subject, but a necessary one to tackle nonetheless. There are, at its core, two types of sex, sex for pleasure and sex for procreation. It is important, therefore, to break down both of these as they pertain to a virtual sex life.

Sex for procreation is the simplest form of sex that exists, because it is used as a way of creating new life. But can this be done virtually? In the literal sense, it cannot. Yet, often times these online relationships may become offline relationships. Does this validate the online relationships? Virillio would say no, but it does in some ways. Taking this angle may be cheating around the issue that Virillio is discussing, but is reasonable nonetheless.

Sex for pleasure is the more interesting and complex issue. Again, true intercourse cannot be virtual. However, that does not mean that those partaking in virtual sex cannot feel aroused and sexually satisfied by what is happening on their screen. Virillio again argues that this cannot be seen as real sex, but is pleasure enough to defend and justify how these people feel?  As mentioned, virtual relationships could also lead to non-virtual relationships down the road, but Virillio discredits these.

Is virtual sex real sex? Are virtual relationships real relationships if they stay virtual?

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